Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Should there be a ceiling on freedom of expression?

Expression in all form is a manifestation of the subtle cognitive endeavors that humans carry out. Considering the fact that these outwardly expressions results in writings, speaking, and various gestures, they affect other people as well. Hence, one person’s freedom has the potential to trespass on another’s. 

Though freedom is an abstract idea, it does manifest when it comes to expressing it. Postmodernism takes the relativistic position that there is no absolute truth or objective reality, hence, through this lens a person in this epoch is sanctioned to express without any self-censorship as practiced almost completely in some western countries.

When it comes to putting a ceiling on freedom to express oneself, certain criterion can be applied. For instance, the relevance of the subject being discussed can be examined. Obscure expressions can be eliminated.

Absolute freedom of expression can result problematic. For example, if one publishes a book on completely justifying patriarchal practices, making use of its unrestrained freedom to express, this will spark unrest due to its complete inconsiderate nature. Expressing oneself is the most natural thing for a human being but the consequences of this using this power needs to be properly understood before using them for any purpose.

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